About the product

The com­plete solu­tion in process monitoring

Our main prod­uct is the WELDWATCH­ER®, a sen­sor which can be inte­grat­ed into the pro­cess­ing head or the laser. The WELDWATCH­ER® detects the opti­cal radi­a­tion, which is gen­er­at­ed dur­ing laser weld­ing and laser cut­ting and ana­lyzes it in real time. This enables the sen­sor to detect anom­alies in the process which cor­re­late with errors in the prod­uct, such as pores, splat­ter or imper­fec­tions. The WELDWATCH­ER® is com­pat­i­ble with dif­fer­ent laser types, such as CO2-, Nd:YAG, fiber or diode laser.

Sen­sor technology

Sen­sors for the full spectrum

Our sen­sor fam­i­lies cov­er the full spec­trum from UV/VIS (a.k.a. “plas­ma”), back reflec­tion to NIR (a.k.a. “tem­per­a­ture”), each avail­able with dif­fer­ent sen­si­tiv­i­ties. All sen­sors can quick­ly be adjust­ed by soft­ware dur­ing pro­duc­tion. We com­bine or mix mul­ti­ple sen­sors in cas­es where a sin­gle sen­sor does not pro­vide suf­fi­cient data for a pro­found OK/NOK eval­u­a­tion. In most cas­es we can main­tain the full func­tion­al­i­ty of your cam­era or OCT devices.

Uni­ver­sal Sensor

For most appli­ca­tions our Uni­ver­sal Sen­sor hous­ings pro­vide an eco­nom­ic solu­tion espe­cial­ly for unmoved optics or for the inte­gra­tion into the laser source or beam switch. This method elim­i­nates bulky inte­gra­tions at the pro­cess­ing heads and the use of expen­sive tor­sion proof robot cabling.

Fiber Sen­sor

The Fiber Sen­sors are applic­a­ble to com­mon types of fiber lasers. They offer the unique advan­tages of sen­sors in lasers with­out the need of a beam switch: free move­ment of your opti­cal heads and clean envi­ron­ment in the laser.

Com­pact Sensor

Our Com­pact Sen­sors are designed for the direct inte­gra­tion into weld­ing heads. They pro­vide IP67 sealed hous­ings and con­nec­tors. Rigid robot cables and adapters for most weld­ing heads and scan­ners make these sen­sors the #1 choice wher­ev­er an inte­gra­tion into the laser is not possible.

Uni­ver­sal Sensor

For most appli­ca­tions our Uni­ver­sal Sen­sor hous­ings pro­vide an eco­nom­ic solu­tion espe­cial­ly for unmoved optics or for the inte­gra­tion into the laser source or beam switch. This method elim­i­nates bulky inte­gra­tions at the pro­cess­ing heads and the use of expen­sive tor­sion proof robot cabling.

Fiber Sen­sor

The Fiber Sen­sors are applic­a­ble to com­mon types of fiber lasers. They offer the unique advan­tages of sen­sors in lasers with­out the need of a beam switch: free move­ment of your opti­cal heads and clean envi­ron­ment in the laser.

Com­pact Sensor

Our Com­pact Sen­sors are designed for the direct inte­gra­tion into weld­ing heads. They pro­vide IP67 sealed hous­ings and con­nec­tors. Rigid robot cables and adapters for most weld­ing heads and scan­ners make these sen­sors the #1 choice wher­ev­er an inte­gra­tion into the laser is not possible.


Sen­sor instal­la­tion options

Thanks to numer­ous adapter mod­ules, we can inte­grate the sen­sor either into the pro­cess­ing head (option A) or into the laser or the beam switch (option B). Sim­ply dis­cuss your spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tion case with us, and we will find the best solu­tion togeth­er with you. In gen­er­al, both options are avail­able as illus­trat­ed below.

One WELDWATCH­ER® per pro­cess­ing head

The sen­sors can be direct­ly inte­grat­ed into the pro­cess­ing head of all estab­lished man­u­fac­tur­ers. The prox­im­i­ty to the process enables excel­lent sig­nal qual­i­ty here.

One WELDWATCH­ER® for all beam paths

In many cas­es, sen­sors can be inte­grat­ed into the laser, pro­vid­ing numer­ous advan­tages. Due to this, all beam paths of the laser can be mon­i­tored by only 1 WELDWATCH­ER® . Your pro­cess­ing head main­tains its full free­dom of move­ment with this, as the sen­sor and cable are safe­ly stored in the laser.

One WELDWATCH­ER® per pro­cess­ing head
One WELDWATCH­ER® for all beam paths

The sen­sors can be direct­ly inte­grat­ed into the pro­cess­ing head of all estab­lished man­u­fac­tur­ers. The prox­im­i­ty to the process enables excel­lent sig­nal qual­i­ty here.

In many cas­es, sen­sors can be inte­grat­ed into the laser, pro­vid­ing numer­ous advan­tages. Due to this, all beam paths of the laser can be mon­i­tored by only 1 WELDWATCH­ER® . Your pro­cess­ing head main­tains its full free­dom of move­ment with this, as the sen­sor and cable are safe­ly stored in the laser.


Seam­less inte­gra­tion into your pro­duc­tion environment

Suc­cess­ful use of process mon­i­tor­ing is ensured via com­mu­ni­ca­tion to the sys­tem con­trol. Here, the eval­u­a­tions of the process­es are assigned to the com­po­nent num­bers. This allows the errors in the process­es of the respec­tive com­po­nent to be traced again lat­er on. Dif­fer­ent sen­sors are avail­able. We will select the best com­bi­na­tion of sen­sors for you, tai­lored to your application.

Edi­tion 2024

Our prod­uct brochure

More infor­ma­tion on the pos­si­bil­i­ties of auto­mat­ed process mon­i­tor­ing with WELDWATCH­ER® can be found in our up-to-date prod­uct brochure.


Con­tact us!

If you would like to learn more about our prod­ucts and ser­vices, or would like to request a cus­tomized offer, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us. You can con­tact us by phone, via email or by using our con­tact form. We look for­ward to receiv­ing your enquiry!

Con­tact us!

If you would like to learn more about our prod­ucts and ser­vices, or would like to request a cus­tomized offer, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us. You can con­tact us by phone, via email or by using our con­tact form. We look for­ward to receiv­ing your enquiry!

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