Career at 4D

Wel­come to a new dimension.

We are look­ing for cus­tomer enthusiasts

We are an inter­na­tion­al­ly active com­pa­ny in the field of mon­i­tor­ing ful­ly auto­mat­ed laser processes.
As 29 years ago, our strength today is cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion.
Fast response times and expert sup­port for our cus­tomers are what set us apart.
Our sys­tems are an impor­tant com­po­nent of high-qual­i­ty pro­duc­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the field of e‑mobility, but also for many safe­ty-rel­e­vant com­po­nents in auto­mo­tive production. 

Your ben­e­fits

Fam­i­ly friendliness

We work with you to find solu­tions to help you find a good bal­ance between fam­i­ly and career


From a quick game of table foot­ball to a bar­be­cue on our roof ter­race to swim­ming in the lake around the cor­ner: we break up our work­ing day with reg­u­lar activities


High­ly moti­vat­ed and strong­ly fun and com­mu­ni­ty-ori­ent­ed team with­out unnec­es­sary hierarchies


Excel­lent pro­fes­sion­al sup­port dur­ing induc­tion into the upcom­ing areas of respon­si­bil­i­ty — no one is left alone with us


Orga­ni­za­tion of work­ing hours with fam­i­ly-friend­ly flex­itime, with­out core hours and with mobile working


Work­ing in a real high-tech environment


Very low employ­ee turnover due to the focus on long-term and moti­vat­ing employ­ment and an excel­lent work­ing atmosphere

Free space

Expan­sion of your area of respon­si­bil­i­ty and free­dom for your ini­tia­tives — right from the start and step by step

Fur­ther training

Con­tin­u­ous and contemporary


With us to your new bike — thanks to > JobRad


We are look­ing for rein­force­ment in the area of tech­ni­cal edit­ing and marketing!

You can find more infor­ma­tion here.

We are look­ing for rein­force­ment in the ser­vice area!

You can find more infor­ma­tion here.

As part of a coop­er­a­tive part­ner­ship with the Fraun­hofer ILT, we are look­ing for clever can­di­dates who love the mix of indus­try and research as much as we do.

You can find more infor­ma­tion here.

We are always look­ing for com­mit­ted team players.

We look for­ward to receiv­ing your unso­licit­ed appli­ca­tion, stat­ing your ear­li­est pos­si­ble start­ing date.

Please send your doc­u­ments in dig­i­tal form to

Con­tact us!

If you would like to find out more about our prod­ucts and ser­vices or request a cus­tomized quote, please con­tact us. You can reach us by phone, e‑mail or via our con­tact form. We look for­ward to your inquiry!

Con­tact us!

If you would like to find out more about our prod­ucts and ser­vices or request a cus­tomized quote, please con­tact us. You can reach us by phone, e‑mail or via our con­tact form. We look for­ward to your inquiry!

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