Hair­pin welding


Join­ing of cop­per connections

The join­ing of cop­per con­nec­tions is a cen­tral man­u­fac­tur­ing process of the elec­tric motor. State-of-the-art elec­tric dri­ves are “wound” with rec­tan­gu­lar wires instead of round wires. Each of these 100 to 200 hair­pin pairs must reli­ably main­tain the elec­tri­cal con­duc­tiv­i­ty over the ser­vice life. If one con­nec­tion fails, the motor no longer works. There­fore, togeth­er with the > Insti­tut für Strahlw­erkzeuge in Stuttgart and the > Fraun­hofer Insti­tute for Laser Tech­nol­o­gy ILT in Aachen, using elab­o­rate test series we have ana­lyzed how and to what extent the >­er can be used for auto­mat­ic mon­i­tor­ing dur­ing welding. 
Expul­sions may be formed par­tic­u­lar­ly due to con­t­a­m­i­na­tions and paint deposits. In the case shown here, the expul­sion can no longer be detect­ed at the end of weld­ing, the seam is “OK” on the out­side. A look at the result of the com­put­er tomog­ra­phy shows that there a large imper­fec­tions as well as many small bub­bles inside. By using the >­er, it is already vis­i­ble dur­ing weld­ing that the seam is obvi­ous­ly not OK. This way, time-con­sum­ing and cost­ly checks such as CT or grind­ing pat­terns can be saved. 
The >­er with the patent­ed sen­sor > 4D.TWO pro­vides infor­ma­tion on seam qual­i­ty dur­ing the process. Ask our experts in a tech­nol­o­gy discussion. 

In com­par­i­son

Our lega­cy prod­uct WELDWATCHER®

Our > WELDWATCH­ER® is also an excel­lent solu­tion for mon­i­tor­ing dur­ing hair­pin weld­ing. These videos show that the process devi­a­tions which are the result of inner imper­fec­tions and bub­bles are reli­ably detect­ed by the mon­i­tor­ing system. 


TruD­isk 8001
PFO 33


P = 950 W @450 nm
P = 950 W @1070 nm
v = 100 mm/s


Ver­sion 5.343
AT sen­sor (sin­gle)



Process Mon­i­tor­ing in E‑Mobility Applications

The capa­bil­i­ties and lim­i­ta­tions of online process mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems as well as some vivid exam­ples are dis­cussed in this article.


Speed and process deviations

Find out more about our products

Mon­i­tor­ing of
42+ phys­i­cal process variables­er

The lat­est gen­er­a­tion of process monitoring.
Mod­ern software.
Ful­ly inte­grat­ed hardware. 

Mul­ti­spec­tral sen­sor system


Mul­ti-sen­sor data source for (almost) any laser application.

Mon­i­tor­ing of
42+ phys­i­cal process variables­er

The lat­est gen­er­a­tion of process mon­i­tor­ing.
Mod­ern software.
Ful­ly inte­grat­ed hardware. 

Mul­ti­spec­tral sen­sor system


Mul­ti-sen­sor data source for (almost) any laser application.

Just ask us!

If you would like to learn more about our prod­ucts and ser­vices, or would like to request a cus­tomized offer, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us. You can con­tact us by phone, via email or by using our con­tact form. We look for­ward to receiv­ing your enquiry!

Just ask us!

If you would like to learn more about our prod­ucts and ser­vices, or would like to request a cus­tomized offer, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us. You can con­tact us by phone, via email or by using our con­tact form. We look for­ward to receiv­ing your enquiry!

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